Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

Puck it

Sorry, but this week's strip is going to be a few days late.

Between the Stanley Cup, family time, and my own *ahem* laziness *ahem*...
I didn't get much done.

Looks like most of the gang here were Bruins fans.
I was pulling for Vancouver, but Boston played a great series.
CONGRATS, BOSTON! You guys earned it.

See you soon with a continuation of Cody and Brittany in the Hot Springs!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011


Teenage Boy "Oblivious Maximus"

Admit it guys... when we come up with a great and considerate idea for our girlfriends, it's often too late and we get labeled INconsiderate.

It's not as though we're not thinking about you and what you would like. We just tend to miss a few beats before hand.

This week's comic strip.