Friday, December 20, 2013

Of My's and Men

Hmmm... what does a bunny pack for a picnic date with her turtle boyfriend...?

Yup, I've made some design changes on a few characters.  The most striking change, you've already noticed, is to Penny.  Throughout the comic, she'd been slowly getting bigger.  I finally decided, "Heck, just do it!"

Sure she's bigger, but I think she's cuter too.  That fluffy bunny fur really fills a dermaflage out.

This week's comic!

Friday, December 13, 2013

My Hare Lady

We're Baaaack!

It's the beginning of a new story arc, "My Hare Lady"!

Thought I'd let everyone get to know Penny and Scooter a bit better.

You may notice some differences in the way they look.  Took some time to refine a few character designs, during my extended vacation.

Sit back, enjoy the intro artwork, and see you back soon for the continuing saga of...
No wait, that's not it...