Friday, October 1, 2010

Clicking and Screaming

Luckily, I was one of those kids who wanted to go to summer camp. Actually begged my parents ...literally.

Not all do. Even at that blissfully ignorant age I could tell that plenty were sent there by parents who wanted to get their kids out of the house and away from the TV for awhile.

Oh, and guess what I wanted to be when I grew up, after a few weeks in summer camp. C'mon, you can figure it out. That's right! A park ranger! The world goes in some funny circles.

This week's comic strip.


Todd McElmurry said...

Man, Summer Camp...some of my greatest memories. We always had tons of kids that would whine and moan their way thru the first few days but come the end of the week they weren't ready to go home. I think all kids need time in summer camp, I just hate how expensive most of them have gotten now. "No my child does not need an air conditioned apartment to stay in for Summer Camp, give him a Tent and send him off in the woods like we used to."

For the longest I wanted to be a Park Ranger as well. In fact shortly before my first son was born almost 5 years ago, I thought of leaving the IT industry and getting into forestry and pursuing that. Every chance we get we take our boys out to one of the State Parks just so they know the important things in life are not TV and the Computer.

Jason said...

Sounds very familiar, Todd. ;)

I never got to truly "rough it" for camping, but thoroughly enjoy being out in the woods whenever I can.

I drag my kid to the parks for hikes now and then, and even though she complains, she still asks when we can go again. Lol