Friday, March 29, 2013

Gradual Incline

Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting to draw this scene?
It's been brewing in my head for a long time, and it's finally getting implemented.

Better get out of there, Cody! 
If there's one thing I've learned from my wife, it's that "women are evil".  (Her words, not mine!)

This week's comic strip.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Tardy Slip

Yup, gonna be late again...
...but for good reason!

I'll be at MegaCon this weekend with the family.
(Not as an artist, but just as one of the thousands of other nerds there.)
If I see anyone dressed as someone from "Babe in the Woods", I will immediately fawn all over them and take plenty of pictures to share!  (How cool would that be?!)

As Vivien suggests (Brittany's Mom), there will be a much larger than usual update next,
and I believe it will be worth the wait...

This week's comic strip...  err, late notice.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pillow Talk

When you're on a date, guys...  keep a pillow handy.

This week's comic strip.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Fame and Misfortune

Everyone has a backstory...

And, as a testiment to her vanity, for those movies they're watching to exist, she brought copies of her own movies with her when she came through the portal.

This week's comic strip.